We've been keeping a secret for 3 months......
Say hello to RORY 
He was born 3 months ago, here at WAMS

....And what a rollercoaster it's been!!
When we rescued our other Highlands last year, we knew Eltie was pregnant. She gave birth with no problems but little Rory couldn't feed from her as her udder was so close to the ground (years of being bred).
So, we put a pen in the Jan & Graham's dining room and in came Rory! Fresh hay, warmth & 24hr round the clock care. Jan was quick on to milk duty & he soon learnt that Jan was his surrogate cow mum, but he wasn't out of the woods yet!
The first couple of weeks were touch and go. We really didn't know if he would survive, hence the radio silence. He needed to be weighed everyday, which meant Nicola picking him up! Rory decided if he was being weighed, then he would poo aswell

Mostly on Nicola btw

At one point, Graham even took Rory to the vets in the back of his car!
When Rory was strong enough, we moved him in to the barn and also brought his Mum in to be with him and bond.
Mother & Son bonded and Rory is now out in the field with all the fold who all seem to love him

He runs around and does little tiny 'moos'

The cows have 3 fields to wander around so we can't guarantee you will see them up close but for the last week of summer holidays we will be running 'highland cow buggy tours' in to the field (weather dependant of course) so you can get really close to them.